18 April, 2024

No More!

Cats have four paws, and 18 nails, hence April 18 is International No-Declaw Day.

 There is no reason that this surgery should still be legitimate ANYWHERE in the WORLD.

I've fired all of my previous veterinarians, to choose one that will not perform a declaw.

While legislators work city by city, state by state to make it illegal here in the States, things aren't moving fast enough for some of us, which is why we talk to other cat lovers, chat up folks at the library or grocery store, and educate on why it is against common decency to maim one's cats in favor of furniture.

Grassroots knowledge can be key to saving another cat.

Am thankful for anyone who is fighting this fight.

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17 April, 2024


It's Sweetnesday, and the Swee Wee managed some window wiffies!
She looks fairly surprised, doesn't she?

We have a vet appointment on Friday; this time, we'll see the doc for her six month check-up.

The appetite stimulant ointment has been working, and Sweetie is mostly used to me applying it.

She really is quite the kitty cat!